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Viber Marketing

AD MIND has provided a 30% DISCOUNT for all those who want to advertise their services through Viber for Black Friday


Promotional packages already from €300 / 60,000 messages

Our Database for Montenegro

✔ 550,000 users

✔ Selection by city

✔ Selection by gender

✔ Selection by age


Why Viber?

  • AD MIND facebook
  • Black Twitter Icon
  • AD MIND instagram
  • viber

15% of stories on Facebook are viewed by users


27% of tweets are viewed by users


35% of Instagram stories are viewed by users


95% of Viber messages are viewed by users

Viber Support Messages

Advertise your brand on the most popular chat application!

Viber marketing messages

Promotional Viber marketing messages support the format: image + text up to 1000 characters + URL button. They are designed to promote current discounts, catalogs, special offers, etc.


Viber Transactional Messages

Transactional Viber messages support text messaging.

Viber transactional messages

Select users

By age, geographic location, device...

Viber statistics
Viber statistics
  • viber
  • AD MIND facebook
  • AD MIND instagram


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